Sunday, August 31, 2008
Birthday Party Prep...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
At last Donovan has spoken some English words! And his first word was the best sound to my ears....yes, it was "Mama!!" And he said it repeating after me, so I know that it was not just babble. I was soooo thrilled! Then I was bragging to Andrew that "Mama" was his first word (Marcail said "daddy" long before "mommy"), and turned to Donovan and said, "I bet you can't say 'daddy' yet, can you?" and he smiled really big and said, "DADA!!"
Friday, August 22, 2008
Forward Rolls
I came across this video yesterday; I had taken it just a few days after moving into our house. She can be pretty energetic!!! The other day we were in Goodwill and she was getting the itch to run around a little bit instead of staying in her stroller. I laid down the deal that she could run around if she stayed close by. She did a perfect job of it, and was thoroughly entertained by running around the clothes rack and crawling under it. She was giggling in the contagious way that little kids do, and playing peek-a-boo as she explored. Sometimes I can't help but think of her as a little adult since she understands so much, but her playfulness that day reminded me that she's a little girl, the world smiles at her, and everything's a game and full of fun : )
Monday, August 18, 2008
I have been finding myself amazed at how impatient I've been feeling to have another child. Since we were not even trying to get pregnant with Marcail and Donovan, it has thrown me a little that now that we are "trying," it hasn't happened right away. I constantly have to tell myself that I've given the timing over to God and it all rests in His Hands. He orchestrates purposes that I am not privy to understand. Nor does He come to me and discuss why He's doing it, and ask if its alright with me. Most of the time I am content with that, and can actually find relief that it is not up to me, that it is not my burden to bear. But sometimes, in the stillness of the night, in the quiet places of my heart, I yearn for more little babies to hold and touch. More little Makinson pattering feet and heart-melting smiles and laughs.
Of course, I also realize that even if it is 2 more months or so before we are pregnant, it would still mean that I would have 3 children under 3 years old. And then I think to myself that maybe I need to reconsider that yearning : ) and just thoroughly enjoy only having 2 children for now.
Of course, I also realize that even if it is 2 more months or so before we are pregnant, it would still mean that I would have 3 children under 3 years old. And then I think to myself that maybe I need to reconsider that yearning : ) and just thoroughly enjoy only having 2 children for now.
Sunny Days are Here Again
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Winter in August
I cannot believe that the weather here has been consistently in the 60s and raining, for the past 4 days in a row. Try to imagine how weird it is, going into a grocery store in August, and everyone you see is wearing down vests, long sleeve shirts, jackets, and boots. In August. Lets just say its a little strange. All that global warming : )
Last night before Andrew and I climbed into bed, we enjoyed some milk and Oreos and turned on our gas fireplace for the first time since moving into our house. We snuggled in front of it, and had this conversation:
Andrew: "So how do you like your fireplace?"
Anneke:"Well, I think I'm really going enjoy it when its really in the middle of winter."
Andrew: "So you don't find it to have the same effect in the middle of August?"
Anneke: "Hmmm..... surprisingly enough, no, I don't."
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I just read this, and wanted to pass it along:
"Winning is not a sometime thing; its an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing." Vince Lombardi
I guess the main thing that makes that stick out to me so much, is because of situations of people around us. Most of battles that we undergo start in the mind. Making the right decision doesn't just happen once in a lifetime, or even just once a day. Making the right decision is a series of choices, moment by moment. You are training yourself, in every decision, to either be a winner or a loser. No one just "finds themselves" in a bad situation, in a bad marriage, in bad relationships, just like no one just "finds themselves" having a wonderful life, with an amazing marriage, and meaningful relationships. They all got to that point from somewhere, and that "somewhere" was a series of choices, moment by moment.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A Few House Pics
I have managed to finally take some pictures! But beware, the house is not fully put together as I'd like it yet, so it doesn't look "perfect." I realize too, that if I waited for the perfectly clean house, well.... that may never happen!!! But I'd thought you would like to see it anyways : ) On Thursday we will be mowing the lawn, so I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of the outside, yet, as it hasn't been mowed in AGES.

Living Room
Downstairs Bedroom
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