Friday, February 29, 2008

The Dream Giver

    I don't know if any of you have read "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson, but I have to say that it is one of the most impacting and meaningful books that I have ever read.  I've only read one other book (C.S. Lewis' "Til We Have Faces"), other than the Bible, that has left me feeling so understood that I feel uncomfortably exposed.  Its about Ordinary, who lives in the city of Ordinary, does his ordinary work, goes back home to his ordinary family at night, watches the ordinary box, and goes to sleep, only to get up the next day to do the same ordinary day all over again..... until he gets a feather from the Dream Giver and realizes that there's something more to his life than what he had been content in living.  The rest of the story goes into the details of him overcoming obstacles in his journey to accomplish his Dream, and finding out that it is all for the Glory of the Dream Giver.  
    I know some people are skeptical of "dream chasers" but I'm not talking about the guy who quits his work, stops providing for his family, and goes on a safari trip to Africa to live out his "dream." Or about the couple that retires at 60 just to collect sea shells off the beach.  I'm talking about the Dream put inside of me to live a life outside of just myself, to impact people that walk this earth, so they can have Life, and bring glory to God in all the nations.  I'm talking about a huge Dream that goes beyond the bubble of every day life and my own little world, that pushes me past my self-imposed limits, forces me out of my comfort zone, freaks me out  because of the unknowns.  But a Dream that is worth all the cost because its not about me.  Its about Him.  
    I don't normally do this, (ok, ever), but here's a poem I wrote a while back and it kept going around and around in my mind last night after I finished the book:
   As the earth continues in its race

   Spinning its course around the sun
   And the normality of everyday
   Eventually convinces me to shun

   The pleasure of looking into Your Face,
   Awaken the passion within me to love

   Locking my eyes into Your Gaze

   And to be satisfied with no other place
   Than living inside Your Strong Embrace.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sister and Brother

        Perfectly posed 

Laughing together; I LOVE this one!

Sharing a moment

Wide-Eyed Innocence

Wow, what a cutie!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


There's just nothing like a quiet sweet Sunday afternoon nap, cuddled up with your husband, while the kids are sound asleep, and the aroma of vegetable beef stew greets you as it cooks in the crock pot (sorry Camila, haven't gotten around to the lasagna, yet, although its high on my list).  When all of those little details come together, it just makes for the perfect day.  Its always been the little things like that, that make me so happy to be alive!

p.s. and peach cobbler with ice cream...anyone want to come over for dinner? : )

Friday, February 22, 2008

You Know You're a Mom When...

Someone you see all the time doesn't recognize you because you're without your kids and the stroller...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Peek a Boo

You can hear her say "Peek a Boo!" just before she takes the blue blanket off of Donovan.  This was from a couple of days ago. Andrew and I both cracked up at her ending expression.  I'm not sure what she is thinking here!  But she has started giving people that "look."

Contrary to Popular Opinion...

I do not always have perfect children.  Take today for instance... Marcail woke up quite cranky.  She screamed when I asked her if she wanted to sit in my lap.  She wailed when she dropped a toy (no it did not land on her foot, just the floor).  I picked her up to hold her and my ears got punishment for it.   I told her "no" about something, and you'd've thought she'd rolled down the stairs with how hard she was yelling.  Andrew and I are of the opinion that if you're going to be cranky, you might as well go to bed, you're probably just tired.  (He, ummm, learned this the hard way from me, sorry to say!) So I plopped her back in her crib even though she'd been up for less than an hour.  However, she has been sleeping solid for the past 2 hours.... I guess she is still almost perfect.  Just KIDDING : )

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

God Fulfills

I just spent the past 8 hrs with a friend, talking and laughing and talking some more.  I bumped into her at church when I brought Andrew his lunch.   He's working till at least 10 pm tonight.  She was off all day from work.  We got into a conversation, and I asked her,"Are you busy today?  Do you want to come over and have some coffee?" and she said,"Sure!"  Well, it turned into coffee with a blueberry bagel, and 4 hrs later, it was pasta with alfredo sauce... it was such a lovely time.  Andrew called an hour ago to say it wasn't looking like he'd be making it home any time soon, and it wasn't a big deal, since I was still having a good time!  Don't get me wrong, "Andrew Time" for me is heaven, but a good dose of girl-talk is very much appreciated!  I was kind of dreading the long hours away from him today, and ended up with a very pleasant day.  I love how God works that way.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Penny for Her Thoughts...

But I still can't understand what she's saying; something about the door, I think. Anyways, its cute! We had bundled her up in her snow suit so we could take a walk outside.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Soaking up the Sun!

It was a pleasant Saturday.  We were all home together, after we all went to the gym in the morning. Marcail was taking a nap, and Andrew and I played with Donovan in the sunshine.  Later we all took a walk (I'll post a video later of M in her pink suit) and then warmed up with hot tea.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

He's doing some core training : )

He's such a chill little guy that he doesn't see the need to hold himself up yet... and why would
you, if your only responsibility was to lay around all day, look cute, and smile?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Black Smile

The Little Miss found a marker!  It came off great, though, with a little bit of make-up remover.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

This is what I woke up to this morning.
(I have an AMAZING husband!)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Put it in a Bottle

There are moments like these that I wish I could stick in a bottle, and in later years pull it out to re-live days gone by.  Some day he's going to be 18 years old, on the run, all handsome like his daddy and grown up.  But for now I'll just drink in this moment...

There's a first time for everything

Today was the first day that Donovan has not wailed during his bath.  He did grumble the whole time - except for when Marcail poked at his belly button (she got a huge smile from him).  But I was still very pleased with the change.  I'm already looking forward to the day when he and Marcail will take their baths together and have a blast!  Also, he has started sleeping through the night again!  He seemed to have forgotten all about his sweet skills in that area (he was sleeping through the night at 5 weeks) after going through his last growth spurt at 4 months. Last night will make 4 nights in a row that I've had 6+ hours of solid sleep! Yay! : ) 

A Fun Day Together...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I never knew you could have a kid that loves naps.  I just finished putting Marcail down for hers; she saw me make a bottle of milk, started yelling, "night-night! night-night!" and ran for her crib, where she hung onto the rails, grinned at me, and waited for me to get there to put her inside... sometimes I ask myself, "Is this normal?!"  I guess I'll just have to deal with it : )    

New Start!

I think this will end up being a great way to keep in contact with everyone back home!  Thanks to Lindsay for the suggestion : )