Friday, February 29, 2008

The Dream Giver

    I don't know if any of you have read "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson, but I have to say that it is one of the most impacting and meaningful books that I have ever read.  I've only read one other book (C.S. Lewis' "Til We Have Faces"), other than the Bible, that has left me feeling so understood that I feel uncomfortably exposed.  Its about Ordinary, who lives in the city of Ordinary, does his ordinary work, goes back home to his ordinary family at night, watches the ordinary box, and goes to sleep, only to get up the next day to do the same ordinary day all over again..... until he gets a feather from the Dream Giver and realizes that there's something more to his life than what he had been content in living.  The rest of the story goes into the details of him overcoming obstacles in his journey to accomplish his Dream, and finding out that it is all for the Glory of the Dream Giver.  
    I know some people are skeptical of "dream chasers" but I'm not talking about the guy who quits his work, stops providing for his family, and goes on a safari trip to Africa to live out his "dream." Or about the couple that retires at 60 just to collect sea shells off the beach.  I'm talking about the Dream put inside of me to live a life outside of just myself, to impact people that walk this earth, so they can have Life, and bring glory to God in all the nations.  I'm talking about a huge Dream that goes beyond the bubble of every day life and my own little world, that pushes me past my self-imposed limits, forces me out of my comfort zone, freaks me out  because of the unknowns.  But a Dream that is worth all the cost because its not about me.  Its about Him.  
    I don't normally do this, (ok, ever), but here's a poem I wrote a while back and it kept going around and around in my mind last night after I finished the book:
   As the earth continues in its race

   Spinning its course around the sun
   And the normality of everyday
   Eventually convinces me to shun

   The pleasure of looking into Your Face,
   Awaken the passion within me to love

   Locking my eyes into Your Gaze

   And to be satisfied with no other place
   Than living inside Your Strong Embrace.  

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