The children were really great. Sometimes they had to cry themselves to sleep : ( but that didn't happen too often. Mostly they laughed and talked together, and seemed to want to eat constantly : ) We stopped often enough at Rest Areas to get the squirmies out... mostly : )
The weather was perfect for traveling, and so we made it there quite smoothly. We arrived Wednesday morning at 4:30ish. When we were heading out, we had no clue where we were to stay when arriving in Kingston, but knew that it would all be provided in good time, and it was so. John Ross got it all arranged, and soon we were tiredly dragging ourselves into a beautiful little home, with a cute little downstairs suite. Two little cribs, fully equipped with half a dozen cozy blankets awaited our two sleepy children. We had our own little bedroom, bathroom, and living room. There were buckets of toys and a little kitchenette set, which lit up Marcail's eyes. We could not wait to crawl into bed, and soon we did, and woke up about 7 hours later.... a much needed rest!
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