Sunday, November 30, 2008

Its Snowing!!!!

We woke up this morning with a HEAVY layer of snow on the ground, and its still falling! Its beautiful. So, minus Andrew of course, we are just camping out here this Sunday morning. We decorated the tree last night, and the children woke up this morning to a fully laden Christmas tree... this is the year of teaching Donovan to not take the pretty balls off the tree. I know THAT will take some work!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Some fun movie shots for you

What we do at night for fun : )

Going "around" (this is what she's saying at the beginning)

His vocabulary... he has a universally understood way of saying "no" : )

Wonderful Thanksgiving

Yesterday was perfect. Everyone was healthy! Yay! We celebrated at a friend's house, and the children were AMAZING. Marcail didn't get a nap all day and although we left for home at 11 p.m., she was very happy and playful the entire time. We were so proud of her. Donovan went to sleep right away, after lunch, in his pack 'n play. We had such a great time playing games, watching a Christmas movie, and laughing a lot.
I had talked on the phone with Andrew's family that morning. Without any doubt, I am most thankful for family. God has given me such an amazing family, and wonderful memories of times together. Having them in my life makes me feel the most richly blessed person in the world.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wise thoughts for the Day

*One thing worse than throwing up, is cleaning it up.
*The only thing worse than cleaning up yours, is cleaning up someone else's.

This is spoken from experience. This week. We're praying for EVERYONE to feel better soon!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Time

Last night Marcail cuddled in my arms and said she wanted to play baby. So there she was, lying snug in my arms, across my chest, and I almost started crying.... mostly because I was trying to remember what she looked like as an infant and I couldn't remember! Then she asked for her milk, which she drank lying down in my arms. It was so sweet, especially if you know how busy this little girl is. Seriously, where does the time go? I wonder if 2 years from now I'll find it difficult to remember these days....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just Hangin' Around the House

Wow, he totally got his handsome face from his daddy.

I can't believe how much of a "big girl" she is becoming. Isn't there a pause button somewhere in this growing up stuff?

Here, Marcail is "helping" Donovan with his buttons... I'm not sure, though, if she was helping him button or unbutton them : )

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

She said what??!

About 2 days ago, Marcail walked up to where Andrew and I were chatting on the floor. She turned to me and asked, "Anneke, where's my phone?" Too funny! Andrew and I could not stop laughing.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Mama was right in her reply that there's no stopping Donovan now that he's started walking; the boy is now walking all over the place! Apparently he's concluded that its the cool thing to do : ) You can see the look of pride on his face as he successfully tours the whole living room and kitchen on his feet. He is such an amazing little boy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Last night when I heard the outcome of the election, I have to admit that I cried. Andrew suggested that I start praying right away, and I had to explain to him that a woman needs time to rehash over things before she can decide what she's really thinking. Or maybe that's just me. I can just see how so much of what the next president wants to implement will only further tear down the little bit of this America that we have left-the America under God, the America that thrives on capitalism instead of decaying under socialism, the America that will stand with Israel and not side with its enemies. What have we left for our children and their children? Last night I explained to Andrew that its not that I don't trust God- I trust that He is faithful to give us what we as a nation deserve and what we have asked for. I'm just not ready to live through that.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I forgot to mention

that Andrew's name is in the latest Desperation CD release "Overcome." I thought that was pretty cool : )

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Finally Walking!!

Donovan has finally started walking! Marcail was walking at 10 months -without any persuasion- so with Donovan at 15 months still crawling contentedly, I thought it was high time I tried something different. I used treats to convince him that it was worth the effort : ) otherwise he wasn't even interested in trying! After a couple of days of bribing him, he's beginning to take steps on his own without even convincing him. Sometimes I'm not sure if he's super stubborn or just too chill for his own good : ) But I am relieved and proud that he's "stepping out on his own" : )