Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Last night when I heard the outcome of the election, I have to admit that I cried. Andrew suggested that I start praying right away, and I had to explain to him that a woman needs time to rehash over things before she can decide what she's really thinking. Or maybe that's just me. I can just see how so much of what the next president wants to implement will only further tear down the little bit of this America that we have left-the America under God, the America that thrives on capitalism instead of decaying under socialism, the America that will stand with Israel and not side with its enemies. What have we left for our children and their children? Last night I explained to Andrew that its not that I don't trust God- I trust that He is faithful to give us what we as a nation deserve and what we have asked for. I'm just not ready to live through that.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

wow i'm going to copy part of your blog post and post to my blog. my thoughts - EXACTLY! How do i talk to my kids about Mr. and Mr. Jones? Or explain to my kid why their bff has 2 mommies? Or why they should WANT to pursue working hard - not handouts or why people kill babies? How do you deal with that? I'm so usettled. However, I did join hands with Cody last night and lay it down before God.