We've been trying to teach Marcail to say her name. It took her a while before she would even attempt it. Then she started pronouncing it like "Ta-Tell." I knew she could say her "m"s just fine, since she says "Mommy" and other "m" words quite well, so I worked with her through each syllable of her name, "Mmmmmaaaaaarrrrrr" (she repeated that just fine), "Cccccccaaaaaaiiiiiiilllll" (which she repeated as "tell" still. Oh well.). But still, there was some success!
So we tried again:
Anneke: "Marcail, what's your name?"
Marcail: "Ta-Tell!!!"
Anneke: "Lets try again; Mmmmmaaaarrr. Ccccaaaaaiiiillllll. Can you say Marcail?"
Marcail, very excitedly, almost shouting: "TA-TELL-MMMAAAAARRRRR!!!!"
Ok, I give up for now : ) I'm sure she'll get it soon!
ok so totally unrelated...but who lives in owosso, michigan, jackson, michigan and swansboro, NC? apparently they read my blog. :) I know they are friends/fam of yours - I was just curious who they are. :)
I know some family friends in Michigan, but am not sure what city they are living in. Other than that, I have no idea! That's the fun part about it... sometimes people like reading your blog and you have no idea who they are- maybe you don't even know them. Now, you could think that might be a little creepy, but you could take that as a compliment instead : )
yea i know its kinda funny. up til i got this tracker i seriously didnt know that anyone read it. now today someone from corunna stopped in? crazy.
Yes, where is that?! Guess I'll work my "Google" skills : )
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