Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A new phase

Marcail is growing up! I decided that diapers were only going to be for naps and overnights now. She had done such a good job transitioning to underwear, and using the potty out of her own initiation. I am so proud of her! Yesterday, though, we were at the grocery store, talking to the store manager. He asked Marcail how she was doing, and she loudly pronounced to him that she was wearing panties! To which I doubled over laughing, and I have no doubt that my face turned several shades of red. Too funny!


Sarah said...

Yippee!!! Good for Marcail, what a big girl! I have a lofty goal of potty-training the twins sometime this summer... we'll see how that goes. :) Love you, friend!

Andrew and Anneke said...

The best advice I've gotten from anyone, was to do it when the child is ready.... too soon and you wanna pull your hair out, and the child gets frustrated too. So try it and see! Your girls will let you know if they can do it now!