Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I ask you all for prayers during the next week. Originally, I would have been birthing a baby any day now. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with gratitude in the way that the Lord has carried me through this heart-ache, and given me peace and very real joy. And other times I feel overwhelmed with the heart-ache. This week has already started surprising me by the very strong emotions of grief - more than I care to feel. But I guess it is just one of those things I have to work through whether I want to or not. The "due date" will come, as much as it will hurt, and it will go. I feel impatient to already be on the other end of this week....


Sarah said...

Praying for you... especially that you will start to see "beauty from ashes" in a unmistakably way this week. Love you, sweet friend.

Tiffany said...

A-you're in my prayers!

cjw said...

Will be praying for you. Enjoy this time with your beautiful family.

Andrew and Anneke said...

Thank you, everyone. It really means so much.

Joanna said...

I love you my friend! I will be praying. Thank you for being so open...

Annemieke said...

you'll be in my thoughts and prayers...