Thursday, September 3, 2009

Keep Moving

We are moving again - still in the Springs, but to another housing arrangement that will cost less than what we are renting for now. But.... we have no idea where!!! Andrew gave our leasing agents the 30 day notice this past weekend, so we have 27 days and counting, left to discover our new casa.

This is gonna keep us busy. We will be moving for the 5th time in 4 years. On the bright side, it has kept us from accumulating "stuff." And on the other hand, I wouldn't mind resting somewhere for a couple of years! And on the other hand (I know, I sound like the Fiddler on the Roof dad), if we aren't moving back to the Carolinas anytime soon, I think we should just move to Australia for a few years : ) Wouldn't that be fun?!?!


Tiffany said...

I think the Carolinas sound like a better idea than the Springs or Australia!! :) heehee

Andrew and Anneke said...

Me too. Now if we can just get an employer there to think the same thing.... : )

Sarah said...

Keep posting updates... I will be praying for your fam... exciting and scary both, I'm sure! Love you!