Saturday, February 6, 2010

Our Foxy Friend

seems to have adopted us. Or at least, our backyard. He shows up every day or two and takes long naps in the sunshine. The children have made it a part of their morning routine to climb on the dining room chairs to look out the window and see if he is there sleeping.

One afternoon, I glanced outside to see him chowing down on...... something? I watched him for several minutes before I could discern that his dinner was a little chipmunk. Eew.

I have wondered what sort of dilemma this will provide for us, come summertime, as the children will be playing out back a good deal of the time. But the fox seems to still have a healthy fear of humans; Andrew has gone outside to shovel snow or such, and the little guy immediately awakes and jumps over the fence in less than 2 seconds. For now, at least, we can still be "friends."


Sarah said...

interesting! Hope he keeps his fear of humans through the summer :)

Wright Family said...

is this common where you live ? maybe you should call someone...