Sunday, August 8, 2010

Still Adjusting but Almost There

Having a new baby is always a big adjustment. Its exhilarating to hold a new life in your arms, the same life that grew forever in your belly. It exhausting to be awoken at night, every few hours, to a demanding, hungry cry. Its heart warming to see your baby's first smile, and realize that they recognize you as their mommy. Its one of the best feelings in the world to smell a newborn's head as they are snuggled up in the crook of your neck. Being a parent sometimes make you wonder if you could ever be spread thinner on the patience level than you are right now. Sometimes you want a huge field to scream in, with no one to hear and wonder if you have truly lost your wits. Sometimes you want to gather all your children up in your arms like a mother hen, and kiss and hug every one of them at the same time. You find yourself wanting a moment's peace, and then when you are away from it all, you miss the noise and chaos like crazy. Somehow, in the insanity of it all, your children have crept into your heart and claimed a huge chunk of it, and it hits you that your life is changed forever with them in it. Every one of your children will hold huge pieces of your heart until the day when your life on this earth is over. And even then, I suppose you will still love them.


cjw said...

Get Andrew to let you/make you take a 10 minute drive by yourself and scream several times at the top of your lungs. I believe the car is the only place to safely do that without scaring anyone, and after you let out a few fullbody screams you really do breakdown enough to recover :)

Sarah said...

Well said, my friend. Well said.