When I saw this, I couldn't help but giggle- I've seen that lost and helpless look in Andrew's eyes before!
I've told him before that half the time I don't understand myself, so I certainly don't expect him to.
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
Hahahaha:) Oh Anneke! You're so great! Remember the comment you made to one of the parent's at New Life when you were pregnant with Aero? "You're left handed too??" The way you told me that story...you just made me laugh & laugh! And may I add...you pull off your "pregnant brain" beautifully!! <3
Sweet friend!
I miss your blog posts :)
But I suppose you have good reasons for not posting.
And I'm glad I now get to see you in person.
That's WAY better than a blog post! :)
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