Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Marcail keeps pointing to the ultrasound picture and telling us that there are TWO babies in there. Andrew keeps bringing it up to tease me with, and all I can say is that I was present for the ultrasound (of course) and there was only ONE heartbeat. So this morning I asked her if there are one or two babies in mommy's belly. She said, with certainty, "Two." hmmmm.


Sarah said...

interesting... Maggie was the one who, when asked "are you having a sister or brother" said... "two sisters" -- before we knew it was twins! :)

Andrew and Anneke said...

One man we were talking to tonight told us that he hears a lot of stories where the couple who prays for another couple to have twins, gets pregnant with twins. So I asked him right away, "Can I pray for you?!" ---he has 5 children already : ) He said no : )

Tiffany said...

You're hilarious. I just read your comment above. :) I just love you-you crack me up! I miss you!

Tiffany said...

PS - No you can't pray for us either!