Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You Won't Relent

This is my new favorite song. A little known fact about me is that somehow I always wake up every morning with a song in my mind, being played over and over again until I finally decide to fully wake up. Most of the time, it is a worship song I know. This is this morning's serenade, and I want to share it with you.

It is a very emotional piece of music to me, because as I look back over my life and what I have been through, I have always seen God's big Handprint of faithfulness working through every event. Now, I don't believe that He ordered the hardships and injustices, but I do firmly think that He is a redeeming God and will use every situation to show Himself suffiencent for us, faithful to us, deeply loving and involved. A common theme in the Bible is the picture of God as a relentless Father or Lover who never gives up the fight for our hearts. A lot of us have had experiences that can make this mental picture hard to grasp, but it doesn't mean it is untrue. Now, I am still quite young, but the older I become, and the more challenges I go through, it seems to become clearer to me that He is indeed relentless in His love and desire for us.

You can find it on the playlist, down and to the right, #7.

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