Saturday, August 8, 2009

Through the Years; Marcail is now 3

I have actually been dreading this posting. Postponing it you might say (no, that was not intended to be a pun).

My little Marcail, not so little anymore; I think its a psychological thing to try to not evaluate something closely, so I don't have to admit the reality of it, so I don't have to see it staring me fully in the face: Time moves on whether I want it to or not. I could say that no one warned me that it would fly so fast, but that would not be true. Everyone warned me, and I wanted them to be quiet about it; you know how when people give you unasked for advice, and you just want to find out for yourself before you take their word for it? Well, its true! I can hardly remember the time when she was a baby, and she's only 3!

Marcail was born a gorgeous little girl, and she has just grown to become even more beautiful through the years. She was born with a very content and happy disposition - such a smiley little baby and so trusting. I remember thinking how I would ever be able to tell her that the whole world doesn't smile all the time. Somehow she figured it out, though; these days she is sure to look you over a couple of times and you can see the wheels in her mind spinning as she eyes you over. She loves details; they fascinate her. She would rather sit down and figure out a puzzle than watch a movie ---sometimes I wish she would just chill out and watch a movie! She has a strong, independent streak. I'm not sure where she got that?! : ) She still has her happy disposition, and nothing makes her more happy than to help out with something, especially since she is and always has been go-go-go. Its when she is bored that she gets ornery so she needs to be busy! She asks tons of questions and never fails to amaze me at what she understands and what she figures out on her own.

My dear Marcail, no one explained to me what a joy it was going to be, to be your mother. No one was ever able to put into words what a mother feels when her child is placed in her arms for the first time. I never understood how my heart would swell when you said "Mommy" for the first time, or when just yesterday you exclaimed loudly with your arms open wide, "Mommy, I want to give you a hug!" You have truly made my life more beautiful, more precious. You are such a joy in my life, and I wish these days could last forever, that I will never have to kiss you goodbye. But more than that, I hope to give you such a life that you will be well equipped to be such a lady that the world desperately needs to make a beautiful mark on it, and leave it forever changed. I hope to be such a mother, along with your father, to shape you into such a lady. I want to be that lady for you, so that you know how it can be done. I love you so much, my darling little girl, growing so fast and not so little anymore! Thank you for so many sweet memories.....


Joanna said...

Found you too! :) Of course I don't mind the linking! I did yours too. LOVE the baby pics of Marcail! SO cute! I couldn't ask for a better BF for my daughter... :)

Sarah said...

What a beautiful baby girl... I mean BIG girl! They do grow up fast, don't they? Happy birthday, Marcail!

Annemieke said...

3 alreaddy, time is going so incredibly fast!!! she is really getting big!
i'm somethimes wishing for a "something" that slows them down... but i guess you haven't found either...
I loved the pictures from birth till now, what a beautifull girl she is!!! wow!!!

thanks for your reaction on Josanne's Blog, she indeed looks a lot like her daddy. we saw a movie from the time he was a baby, and it's like we are watching Josanne...

love Annemieke

Tiffany said...

3 years? Holy moly! I remember when you found out you were pregnant with sweet little Marcail. That couldn't have been a more heartfelt sweeter post A. You made me tear up b/c I can't wait to experience that love someday. Auntie Anneke will just have to visit OUR babies in NC soon!!