Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What's in a Day

Here's a text conversation, with Andrew, from a few days ago:

Andrew: Have you been to the gym today?

Anneke: No

Anneke: But I made you some meatloaf : )

Anneke: & chicken salad

Anneke: & bathed the children (saved Donovan from drowning in the tub)

Anneke: & cleaned the children's room and the office

Anneke: & did dishes

Andrew: Wow!

Anneke: Played outside

Anneke: Put Marcail in time out

Anneke: Put a book in time out

Anneke: Put myself in time out (sigh)

Andrew: Nice

Anneke: Stepped on a puzzle on the kitchen floor and almost screamed but didn't (while fixing lunch)

Anneke: Talked to April on the phone

Anneke: Read my Bible

Anneke: & now I'm relaxing in bed : )

It was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The evening was just as full as the earlier part of the day!

I did not make it to the gym : )


Tiffany said...

That was the most amazing text stream I've ever read. You're hilarious - supermom! :)
ps-how'd last week go?

Tiffany said...

i didnt want to spoil our phone call with talk of last week - but i do want you to know i've thought about you and about the week. i didnt want to upset you on the phone and bring it up - i just wanted to make sure you did know - that i knew. love you

Andrew and Anneke said...

Well tomorrow was the official due date, but I've gone into labor/broken water, both times, 3-4 days ahead of the "due date." I still need to get through tomorrow, though...

Sarah said...

Praying for you today, Anneke.

And totally empathizing with this post! Sounds like our days around here. Sometimes I wish someone would put me in time-out too :) And it sounds like you had plenty of working out even without going to the gym! :)