Monday, January 18, 2010


....we find out first thing in the morning what the sex of the baby is, and of course, if the baby seems to be healthy. Stay tuned!

I do mean to post more often, but it seems that everytime I sit down to post, duty calls, and I have to postpone my thoughts for another time.

I want to thank all of you for your phone calls, emails, and comments, regarding my last post. Its been so encouraging to find that these experiences are normal, and that I am not alone! Surprisingly enough, Marcail has toned it down a bit AND I've been doing a better job at finding ways to soothe her moods.

Anyways, in the meantime, I will try and sleep tonight (in my excitement/nervousness over tomorrow), and leave all my concerns in the Lord's hands; that's the best place for them, anyways : )


Sarah said...

Exciting!! And nerve-wracking!! I always got super nervous before ultrasounds, especially at the end with the twins when there were starting to have trouble with fluid and in the middle with Lauren when they found "areas of concern" in my uterus. Always scary. Praying for you this morning, fully expecting GREAT news, can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl! Ummmm something makes me think boy. :)

Sarah said...

Got your text, but my phone has decided not to send texts back. Excited I was right!!!! :) :) But mostly excited for a healthy baby :) :)

Andrew and Anneke said...

I have to say, Sarah, you're pretty impressive. EVERYONE, minus you and Andrew, was betting on a girl. Good insight : )