Saturday, May 14, 2011

Appendicitis- A Dose of Adventure on the Side (pun intended)

I am sitting in the hospital room, while Andrew groggily keeps nodding off to sleep. He just got out of surgery - his appendix was removed this morning, after 1.5 weeks of abdominal pain. After he got off of work last night, in yet more pain, we discussed what he should do. He had done enough research to begin thinking that appendicitis was the culprit. My thoughts were that if it was the reason for the pain, we shouldn't mess with waiting it out for him to die from it! I know, genius thinking, right? :)

Off he went to the ER, while I stayed at home with the sleeping children, cell phone close at hand. When the results finally came back that appendicitis was indeed the cause, we were both relieved. Andrew said he couldn't think of anything worse than the doctors coming back and saying, "Everything looks good, we don't know what is causing your pain- go on home." Although we both had to spend a lonely and sleepless night apart, neither of us were nervous or anxious; mostly just eager to finish this out!

Results have just come back from the surgery: the doctor was very surprised that the appendix had not yet ruptured - he said it was extremely swollen, inflamed, and surrounded by puss. Right now I feel loved by the Lord that He was protecting Andrew all along, even when we had no clue it was so serious.

I have to say, I've REALLY appreciated the use of Facebook during this time! It becomes so easy to keep everyone updated, and therefore I've been flooded with offers to help, pray, or both. And I've kept thinking that it is such a luxury to be around family during this time- they have been so eager to take the children, which is the biggest relief for me! Although the children know that daddy is in the hospital because he wasn't feeling well, they seem to be excited to get away and play somewhere new!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

SO thankful for the Lord's hand of protection & healing on your family! How is Andrew doing?