Wednesday, June 6, 2012

That Mom

So I found myself as "that mom" at Target last week.  You know.  That mom with the shrill, piercing shrieks of a red puffy faced, runny nosed, two year old.   You are probably cringing inside as you read that.  We all know what an uncomfortable atmosphere that sort of experience creates.  Why was this two year old shrieking?  Because he broke a bone or was bleeding profusely from a major cut?  Because the world was about to end?  Well, no, no, and no.  It was because he didn't want to sit in the cart.  I know.  How can a mom be so cruel, right?

Funny how everyone avoided my eyes as I steered the cart up and down the aisles.  Normally people don't at all mind looking me in the face.  Not today.  I was actually humored by it (don't tell).

And what did I do to attend to my two year old's behavior?  Did I address his attitude?  Take him into the bathroom and administer some discipline?  Nope.  This mommy quickly found isle 8 with "Snacks",  tore open a box of fruit snacks, and gave him a healthy portion of them.   And behold, peace came to earth.

Sometimes moms just want silence.  Sometimes we just want a little bit of peace.  Behavioral issues are almost always addressed in my children.  But this time.... this time, I purchased a bit of peace for $3.50.  It was worth it.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yes you are THAT mom... THAT incredible fantastic mom! :) Love all the new pictures :)