Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I have always wondered what another son would be like, since Donovan is about the most perfect little boy I could have possibly imagined. He is just so sweet, and loves everybody, smiles all the time, and loves to play and tease. He is just darling, and I seriously thank God every single day for the gift of him as my son-- he is so much fun.
He came to me the other day. He likes to stand holding his little hands together in front of him (looks like a little choir boy). So he came up to me standing like that and looked up at me adoringly. "Mommy?" "What, Donovan?" There was a slight pause, and then he said as well as a 1 1/2 can say it, "I love you!!" Well, you know that just melted me from the inside. "Oh Donovan, I love you, too!" And THEN he said, "Kisses!" and tilted his little head up and pursed his lips expectantly. Of course he got a kiss!
I mean, does it get any better than that?!


There hasn't been too much to blog about lately, although I've felt plenty busy and go to bed every night very ready for sleep! This weekend though, we are taking a road trip to Las Vegas, for a leadership conference where we will see John Maxwell and many other successful leader and entrepenuers.
Gil and Candace will be watching the children here at our house, and so I've been consumed with cleaning every inch of the house, and making dinners for them, and writing lists, and doing laundry, and working at the church, and going to to the gym every day; a 12 hour drive actually sounds relaxing right about now!!!!
We have been looking forward to this trip for a while, and am excited to put into practice what we are/will be learning. I am thrilled as we look into the future and wonder what God has for us while we do what He has put in our hands to do. I know He will lead us step by step. Since Andrew and I have gotten married, I've sensed strongly that He has bigger things planned for us than what we can imagine-- so big that if He showed it to us, it would scare us into inaction, if that makes sense. So I am thankful for the "lamp to our feet," as we cannot see the whole picture , and just do what He is telling us for this time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I was putting dishes away in the kitchen, while Marcail and Donovan were munching away on some lunch in their highchairs. Marcail piped up and exclaimed, after watching me for a bit, " Good job, mommy!! You're a GOOD helper!"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Amanda Visits!

Amanda reading a book to Marcail and Donovan.... about 20 times : ) What is it about children and "Again!!!?!!" that is so enthralling? They loved having that kind of attention!

An afternoon chat while Amanda draws Marcail on a magnetic sketch pad thingy (what are they called??? I don't remember). This was another favorite pastime while Amanda was here.

Oh my!!! Eggs with cheese, Scones and cream and lemon curd! What could be better?

A short trip to the Garden of the Gods.

A little family picture...

At the GOG's welcome center. Marcail and Donovan were thrilled to see this lion. The cutest thing was hearing them roar at it : )

Checking out the rattlesnake!

Overlooking Garden of the Gods (and Donovan trying to climb up)

What we did every day.... Seafarers!!

This morning at 6am, about to drive to the Denver airport. I'd say we look pretty decent for staying up till midnight playing Seafarers and then getting up at 5!